Cam's got his forever home. Now that he had gained some weight, all he needed was to be neutered. Unfortunately, his pre-procedure bloodwork showed that he was heartworm positive. He had a false negative when he was tested upon entry to foster care! The vet suspects that the disease was just beginning when he was in the shelter and thus didn't show up on the first blood test. So, no neuter for him. He also had a blood-borne parasite and a bladder infection, poor guy. He's had his first bout of heartworm treatment and antibiotics are fixing the other health problems. 
Cammy is going to have to do a lot of resting while those nasty, dead heartworms dissolve into his blood. But he's a survivor, is Cam. And his forever family in Maryland is waiting for him to join them. Cam's vet billing will probably total over $1,000 when all is said and done. If you'd like to help, use the IBR link to the right. Every little bit helps. And keep Cam in your thoughts and prayers for a speedy, healthy recovery.