Cameron was patient. He waited for his forever home. Sometimes it seemed like a dream. When he came into rescue, he was close to staving to death. Then he had heartworm, a blood-borne illness and a bladder infection. He got treated for it all, but the heartworm medicine put him at death's door again. He fought it off. Everyone who has met him falls in love with him. He greets every human as a potential friend, loves kids and meets other dogs with a friendly, proud tail wag. He deserves the best and he's going to get it. On Saturday, April 11, Cam goes home! He'll be heading from Wisconsin to Maryland, going from volunteer driver to volunteer driver until he reaches his new family. Thanks and blessings to all those volunteers for seeing Cam home.
Thanks Pilot Mike for taking me to my forever home.
Only first class window seat for me.
Waiting for my luggage.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Cam Goes HOME
Cam Gets Well
Cameron is on the road to recovery! He's fought through the heartworm treatments and the antibiotics for his various ailments. He rested and rested. Now he's an eating machine. His playfulness is back. Check him out on the back deck playing with foster sib Abby.
And here is Cammy showing his stellar dog greeting skills. He's proud, and he knows how to wag that tail!
And finally, Cam coming at the park. First, from far away and next a closer one. What a good boy!
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Monday, March 30, 2009
Health update
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Heartworms! Oh, no.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Toddler tested, toddler approved
Cameron Gets to the Point
A tired dog is a good dog!
Can we go to the park now?
We've waited so patiently for you to finish sitting in front of that little lighted thingie where you tap your fingers on a board. C'mon!
Friday, January 30, 2009
Cam Goes to the Vet
Our Daily Bread
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Doggy Door
Cameron is one smart boy. He watched his foster sibs go in and out the doggy door and was doing it like a pro within minutes of seeing it. He also comes when we say Cam! Come!
Romps in the Snow
He's a little big for his English Cocker foster sib's coat, but he appreciates it in the bitter cold.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Cheese Curds as Pill Hider
Want to know the best place to hide Cameron's pills? Inside a lucious cheese curd. Seriously. With his love of cheese curds and cream cheese, he's a Dairyland Setter, through and through, although he's willing to come to your town if you're the right one for him! Oh, yeah, and look at how quickly this boy learned how to sit.
Cameron Settles In
Cameron is safe at his new foster home in Wisconsin. Since his foster sibs, Abby and IBR adoptee Duncan, are spayed and neutered, Cameron has no enticement to mark his new household. He was leashed to his foster moms or crated for the first few days with outside potty breaks every 2 hours. Cameron had two near flubs in the first few days, but he was quickly redirected outside. Potty-training success! He now has full house privileges. What a smart boy.
On his first night, Cameron snuggled into his soft bed of blankets on the floor.
Cam Gains Weight!
At his first foster home, Cameron gained 8 pounds in a little over two weeks! His foster mom credits good food, fresh air, playing with her children and cream cheese.
Cam's Journey to Foster Care
Cameron began to perk up on the car trip to foster care. Look at how his head is lifted and his tail is starting to wag. He's checking out his world and surroundings.
And here he is, safe, clean and warm. Poor boy weighs only 38#. IBR will be monitoring his health and getting him proper vetting, but mostly he just needs good, healthy food and a warm, soft place to sleep. Time and love will heal him.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Cameron Gets a Second Chance
Cameron was a sad, dirty, matted stray who had lost hope. He had laid in a kennel in his own urine so long that his white fur was yellow along his belly, tail and legs.
And he was thin. So thin you could see every bone in his spine and hips. He was within a few days of starving to death. The picture on the right is Cameron's body after he gained 8 pounds. A kind shelter officer asked IBR to foster him so that he would have a second chance. IBR transported him to safe and warm foster home a few days after Christmas. What a present for Cameron!
Come back to watch Cam's progress and recovery.